In reading the previous articles, you'll surely wonder (and if you did not, I suggest you think about it):
"Why many herbal products do not work?".
After many trials, tests and practical reasoning, I came to conclusions that logic x, I consider right.
- First, by law, anyone can open a pharmacy. That's right. Although this is an absurd rule, any person, after having followed a mini-course of several months, during which describe the characteristics of a few plants, can open a pharmacy, defined pure and simple business, provided that it has already experienced commerce and is limited to only sell ready-made remedies (made by cosmetic companies and laboratories herbal). What does this mean?? That a person who goes to a pharmacy run by a non-herbalist, exposing a physical problem and thus requiring a remedy, we recommend a product to see a person not skilled in either the herbal field nor in the pathophysiology. The remedy, therefore, not appropriate for the "patient" will not solve the problem. The "patient" will then be forced to resort to drugs and lose faith in natural cures.
- Moreover, a non-herbalist is likely difficulties in managing product orders in laboratories around Italy. The lack of knowledge of the subject, this merchant will make mistakes on the choice of these remedies truly effective and truly natural products according to specifications. And what does it involve? In addition to the previous error, that of choosing the right remedy, there is the error in having purchased a product prepared in a manner that will risk not only natural to raise the issues of "patient".
- Another element to consider is HOW are produced in laboratori.Infatti remedies, herbs should be harvested in pristine areas, treated with love and passion, give thanks and work properly, sending the product that you're doing all the ' love you. This, according to theories of energy which will publish in future posts, the remedy will have more power.Unfortunately, very few people using this way of acting that, in antiquity, was on the agenda. Doing so, however, there is a debasement of the energy plant that will not be able to give us all of its healing properties.
In conclusion, be sure to have a benefit from natural remedies are required some basic elements:
- Contact to a person skilled in the field.
- Do not trust anyone trying to sell thousands of products, making us spend hundreds of dollars (the typical phrase "Look at this .. it matches this then this and this ..").
- Each person has to physiological characteristics and energy, a more appropriate remedy to herself and the herbalist is required to understand, through a chat, which is most appropriate for the "patient" who addresses him.
- Relying on a lab that produces its remedies with love and passion, putting a touch of magic that has created mythical figures such as the Druids and Mages.
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