Roberto Gava, graduated in Medicine at the University of Padua, a
specialist in Cardiology, Clinical Pharmacology and Medical Toxicology
and an expert in classical Chinese Acupuncture and Homeopathy, is
focusing for years on alternative medical approaches and, for the effort
you are putting in this enterprise, is certainly to be commended.
Recent discussions on acetaminophen, moved him to comment in light of the recent discoveries.Says Dr. Gava is not new news regarding the increase of allergies in children who have taken large quantities of paracetamol. For decades, in fact, that you know the effects of this active ingredient.In the book of Pharmacology, The yearbook of drugs, published by dr. Gava 20 years ago and published by New Piccin book publishing, wrote:
"At therapeutic doses, the most common effects of acetaminophen are: blood disorders, dizziness, drowsiness, difficulty in accommodation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, ..., allergic reactions (glossitis, urticaria, itching, skin rash, thrombocytopenic purpura, bronchospasm) ... Paracetamol also has a high acute dose-dependent manner. The damage is mostly liver with jaundice and bleeding ... but you can have progression to encephalopathy, coma and death .. well .. There may be renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, cardiac arrhythmias, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, ... ".
Even more important is what he wrote a few pages later:
"The effect is hepatotoxic explicate by a metabolite of acetaminophen (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone) that is neutralized by a hepatic glutathione-dependent system. After that stocks intraepatocitarie of glutathione have been exhausted, the metabolite binds with proteins of the hepatocyte cytosol (10 hours after dosing) and exerts its hepatotoxic ".
The corrective treatment of this damage, adds Dr. Gava, consists of the administration, within 10 hours of intravenous acetylcysteine, methionine by mouth or, better, glutathione parenterally (intramuscularly or intravenously).
Do you know what year this information back?
To 1967. Well yes, it was 1967, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 156:285.
But why in 1967, paracetamol has been an increase in the production and sales, considered safe even for babies?
The dr. Gava also explains very clearly why the damage of paracetamol.It is, in fact, "a powerful oxidant that consumes the drug stocks of our most important antioxidant, glutathione, and, moreover, when the glutathione is scarce, paracetamol carries out its potent hepatotoxic".But there's more:
Recent discussions on acetaminophen, moved him to comment in light of the recent discoveries.Says Dr. Gava is not new news regarding the increase of allergies in children who have taken large quantities of paracetamol. For decades, in fact, that you know the effects of this active ingredient.In the book of Pharmacology, The yearbook of drugs, published by dr. Gava 20 years ago and published by New Piccin book publishing, wrote:
"At therapeutic doses, the most common effects of acetaminophen are: blood disorders, dizziness, drowsiness, difficulty in accommodation, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, ..., allergic reactions (glossitis, urticaria, itching, skin rash, thrombocytopenic purpura, bronchospasm) ... Paracetamol also has a high acute dose-dependent manner. The damage is mostly liver with jaundice and bleeding ... but you can have progression to encephalopathy, coma and death .. well .. There may be renal failure with acute tubular necrosis, cardiac arrhythmias, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia, pancytopenia, ... ".
Even more important is what he wrote a few pages later:
"The effect is hepatotoxic explicate by a metabolite of acetaminophen (N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone) that is neutralized by a hepatic glutathione-dependent system. After that stocks intraepatocitarie of glutathione have been exhausted, the metabolite binds with proteins of the hepatocyte cytosol (10 hours after dosing) and exerts its hepatotoxic ".
The corrective treatment of this damage, adds Dr. Gava, consists of the administration, within 10 hours of intravenous acetylcysteine, methionine by mouth or, better, glutathione parenterally (intramuscularly or intravenously).
Do you know what year this information back?
To 1967. Well yes, it was 1967, Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics 156:285.
But why in 1967, paracetamol has been an increase in the production and sales, considered safe even for babies?
The dr. Gava also explains very clearly why the damage of paracetamol.It is, in fact, "a powerful oxidant that consumes the drug stocks of our most important antioxidant, glutathione, and, moreover, when the glutathione is scarce, paracetamol carries out its potent hepatotoxic".But there's more:
- Paracetamol, as mentioned several times, is recommended for small children and babies knowing that they are low in antioxidants.
- It is known that the cysteine (amino acid essential to enable the production of glutathione in the liver and brain) is synthesized by the action of the enzyme methionine synthase, and we know that mercury in vaccines blocks the activation of this enzyme with Therefore it is easier than it alters brain development and increases the incidence of autism and attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), two increasingly common diseases.
- And 'demonstrated that autistic children have 20% less cysteine and 54% less glutathione, compromising their ability to detoxify and excrete metals like mercury (both food and administered with the vaccines). These children should never take acetaminophen, at least in the early years of life. But who knows how to locate these children without adequate testing?
- It is known that mercury vaccines is not easily excreted by children under six months of life (because it is excreted via the bile and liver of the newborn is immature).
- And 'demonstrated that mercury enters very easily (and accumulates) in brain tissues of children, since the blood-brain barrier is more receptive. Moreover, the mercurial compounds alter or block cell mitosis, leading to a huge brain damage in children.
- Scientific studies published in 2008 and 2009 have shown that taking acetaminophen increases the likelihood of young children of developing autism.
Despite this, paracetamol is still recommended by the Public Hygiene Services immediately after each vaccination of infants ... sometimes even before they develop a fever or some illness.He continues. Gava, "maybe we want to reassure the mothers so that they see less of vaccine damage, because this drug blocks many initial reactions? But by doing so the body becomes depleted of glutathione and facilitate even more damage from vaccines in subjects who, unbeknownst to us, are particularly susceptible. "
In conclusion, "if the pharmaceutical industry is also gaining more and more because of our ignorance. The knowledge we have, but we can not wait for them to the State or the Medical Officer in comunicarcele. Today, everyone has to get busy and try to protect their own health and that of his loved ones. "
Finally, carry the phrase that Dr. Gava is usually projected at the end of his reports:"Health is a precious heritage, our and our children: we can not put into the hands of the current Pharmaceutical Industry or Government Agencies ... most likely, who will lose."
We thank Dr. Roberto Gava
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